Parfait Dufour house


Parfait Dufour house on Merchant Street built in 1837 . . . or 1818 . . . or 1787. Pick your source . . .


Parfait Dufour house in 1936, from the HABS collection.

Gregory Franzwa in “The Story of Old Ste Genevieve” is the source for the 1837 construction date.  He says Theophilus Dufour was the builder, although the other sources, including the HABS file say it was Theophilus’ father, Parfait Dufour.

I thought for sure this was going to be one of the houses with no Dodge connection whatsoever — I took the photos because I was intrigued by the house and because it was the next one on the street, after the Valle house and the Shaw house.  After we got home and I started working with the photos, I discovered the names associated with this building. Franzwa’s book says that legend has it that Parfait Dufour was with George Rogers Clark on the icy march from Kaskaskia to Vincennes in February of 1779.

Henry Dodge’s grandfather Joseph Hunter (Nancy Ann Hunter’s father) is reported to be one of the first settlers on Corn Island, an island in the Ohio River, at the Falls of Ohio, essentially at the site of present-day Louisville, KY.  Corn Island was used by George Rogers Clarks as a camp and a supply depot during his Illinois campaign.  In preparation for their expedition to the Illinois country, Clark and his men came down the Ohio, to Corn Island, along with twenty or so families who were moving to Kentucky.  So maybe there’s some kind of Dodge connection after all.

Read more about Corn Island.

3 Responses to Parfait Dufour house

  1. Richard Smith says:

    I’m an historical manuscript dealer in California. I have a document written in St. Genevieve, July 1807, signed by Judge Jean Baptiste Valle, certifying that [Israel] Dodge paid Parfait Dufour for providing room and board to his son John, beginning in 1805.
    I believe that Israel Dodge, the first Sheriff of St. Genevieve, was the father or grandfather of Henry Dodge.
    Thought you might find this interesting.

    • nspwis says:

      Thank you! This is very interesting. Israel Dodge was, indeed, the father of Henry Dodge. Was Israel Dodge paying for room and board for his own son or the Judge’s son? Israel had a brother named John but I don’t believe I’ve heard any references to a son named John.

  2. Chris Kinder says:

    Hello! My name is Chris Kinder, and I am an intern at the Felix Valle State Historic Site in Ste. Genevieve. Thank you for the blog, it is most interesting. Also, in regards to Mr. Smith’s comment above, do you still have this document and would you be interested in parting with it. We are collectors of historic manuscripts concerning historic Ste. Genevieve. The document in question is signed by the father of the namesake of our site. If interested please call the site at 573-883-7102. Would be very interested in hearing from you.

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